Klaus Frimor
Demonstrating fly-casting at shows all over the world is today a large part of his life, but also a sought after instructor for casting-clinics and guide services.
April 2016
Hey I'm back
It's been a while, I know. But since last spring I've been on the road more or less permanently. Lots of shows to attend to all over the world, and at the same time trying to keep up with my design work for new flyrods and lines. After a rediculous cold and wet summer in Iceland 2015, I made it home for about a week early September, hoping for a few weeks rest and maybe shoot a deer or two? But not a chance, suddenly I had a ticket in my mailbox, sending me back out in the world again. This time to the east coast of Canada, to Labrador, to dryfly fish for atlantic salmon. Some of the coolest stuff I've done in a while. Flying up and down the river in a helicopter you get a different perspective on the river, and suddenly you can spot fish from the air.
After returning home to Denmark, it was time to pack a new bag. This time it was time for the steelhead season in USA. If the summer in Iceland had been cold, the autumn in Idaho was warmer than normal, and wearing shorts and flip-flops until the end of October, was a nice change compared to the situation in Iceland earlier, which required wollen hat and gloves, even in July.
Steelhead still run the river despite of the hot weather, and the season turned out better than average, with plenty of fish around, maybe not as big as the year before but still average around 10-12 lbs. Only change was the size of the fly, from normally using 4's and 2's, we went down to 10's and 12's but as in anything, you'll just have to adapt to the given situation. A short trip to Korea and Iceland before Xmas ended the year 2015 and a short holliday was needed, before the shows started again. Calgary was up next, demonstrating flycasting and teaching a little, before the plane took me down to Park City, Utah, meeting up with some good old friends for a couple of days.
Now back on the road, once again back in Canada for new shows. Vancouver this time, but later this month it is back to the east coast, New Foundland, for another casting demonstration. Soon the Icelandic salmon season starts, and we all look forward to another good season. Last year was strange in many ways. West coast had nice weather and plenty of fish, while north and nort east was colder than normal and despite some of the rivers had plenty of fish, the conditions made it difficult to catch them. I only have one wish for this season; please, do not make me wear hat and gloves for the whole season! Despite the cold weather last year, and for some rivers, slower fishing, it seems like most of the rivers have been sold pretty well. I suppose the political situation around the world, also affects salmon fishing, but also the fact that some countries doesn't protect their salmon stocks very well. I sincerely hope Iceland will look at neighboring countries, and repeat their mistakes? Well, I'm back on the road, but look forward to meet up with old friends, once I hit that beautiful “rock” they call Iceland again …
Until then
The adventure continues.....
Klaus Frimor
Winter 2014/15
Happy New Year to you all.
In fairness, one have to admit, that 2014 was the worst season in Icelandic salmon fishing in many years. To be exact, the run of ”grilse” (one sea winter fish) failed completely, while the rivers with runs of ”salmon” (2 and 3 sea winter fish) had better fishing, but even so the ”grilse” was also missing in those rivers. Why? Alot of people have asked that question, and we can nothing but make a qualified guess. The only thing we know for sure is that the run will start soon again, first in Scotland then Denmark and later on in Iceland. Then we can nothing but hope it returns to normal conditions. But that is salmon fishing, you buy your license and then you fish your odds.... That's it! But eventhough it was a slow year in terms of fishing, I will still remember this season as one of the better ones. I fished with a bunch of old friends. Guys I have been with on the river bank for years, and always a pleasure to spend a days fishing with great people, then catching is just a bonus. After a busy season in Iceland, I luckily got some time to go stalking. Red deer season starts 1st of September, and with a bit of luck and some experience from the target range, I got the biggest stag I've ever shot. Despite I've hunted for years in Denmark, England and Scotland, I've never had the oportunity to shoot a larger beast than this. One of the moments that will be printed in my memory for the rest of my life, along with the 23 lbs salmon from Laxa in Adaldal in July.
Late September I went back to Idaho for the Steelhead season. After a fantastic mid September the fishing slowed down a bit towards the end of the month, but WOW did it come back? This season will end up as one of the best in years, opposite Iceland. The fish counts over the dams in the Columbia system showed huge numbers running, and not only good numbers, but once the fished showed up, they turned out to be larger than usual. Unfortunately the season ended a little earlier than normal, due to a cold snap coming down from Canada in early November. Water temperature dropped from 8C to -½C in only 3 days. Not the best conditions for steelheading.
For those of you who knows me, or has been following my blog or Facebook, will probably have noticed that my house in Denmark has longer periods uninhabited than the opposite. Despite travelling normally is a pleasure, you sometimes simply bump into a trip where everything that can go wrong, goes wrong.
In December I had to make a short trip to Iceland, and oh boy, did that turn out in a disaster?
Departure from Copenhagen airport was delayed due to a storm in Iceland, so scheduled arrival 11.15 PM turned out to be 03.15 AM, hitching a ride from the airport to down town Reykjavik to check into my hotel. Trying to open the door with the emailed pin-code was impossible, wrong pin-code?? called the emergency number listed in the email, NO answer!!! Standing in a snow storm 04.00 AM in Reykjavik with no place to sleep, my savior arrived, a guy came back to the hotel and opened the door for me. Got my key to my room, but didn't work.... finally at 05.30 I got a new room.... 4 days later flying back there was a storm in Copenhagen so the flight was delayed, and I missed my train back to Jutland (with 5 min) so instead of sleeping in my own bed at 02.00 AM I had breakfast in my kitchen at 07.30AM. I must say the hotel treated me very nice and I have no reason to complain what so ever, this is just life..... Shit happens, and one accident seldomly comes alone, so guess you could call this a ”shit storm” Atleast I nicknamed myself ”The Stormchaser”
March 2014
“Long time no see” one could say.
After a great summer in Iceland, with plenty of fish in almost all rivers, I got almost 3 weeks back home. Time to go hunting for red-deer, I have mentioned my affection for deer hunting earlier, and exactly like fishing, you don't have to kill everything you see. I had the opportunity to shoot several stags, but did I need them in my freezer? Well, I could have left them in my freezer, and hope I managed to eat my way through it all before it'd gone bad! No, I left them all to meet another day.
At the end of September the Steelheads starts running the Clearwater in Idaho, so it was time to pack another bag, and leave for one the most spectacular rivers I've ever fished. The season started out better than expected, with fish to hand every single day we were out. Especially one day stands out, and probably a day I will never experience again, me and my friend Adam hooked into 15-17 fish in 2 hours! It was simply just a steelhead-frenzy.... October came and weather changed into the best I had all year, 25-28C everyday, for more than 3 weeks. The fish counts from the dams below us, told us there was plenty of fish in the river, but since the river turned crystal clear, the fished piled up in the deeper holes, and was reluctant to rise to swung flies. We did catch fish here and there, but not at all like the start.
I was offered the opportunity to fish the famous Bulkley in Canadas BC, so in early November I headed north, well knowing it could be a cold experience, and it sure was.... not at least coming from summer temperatures in Idaho, but hey, dress right, shut up and don't miss a chance like this!
In my bag there was a Halloween costume, since I was told “the Canadians take their Halloween VERY serious”, and they sure did.... Even the “lodge dog” a karelian bear dog, had to be locked up, since one of the guests brought a full “big foot” costume, NOT popular with the local guard dog!
What an amazing country to experience, despite it was cold as f... , the fishing was great, and the fish was “hot”.
I'm honored to meet such a great bunch of guys, totally crazy about steelheading and all other types of fishing, and despite you never met before and you only spent 7 days together, it's like you made a whole new bunch of friends for life!!! This is truly what makes our sport fantastic, despite of religion, race, income, job or whatever, you're all in it to have fun and you're all equally subject to the vagaries of nature..... NO money can prevent rain or ice... I really appreciate the opportunity I got.
Now the spring has started and a new season here in Europe is about to start again, casting shows and spey claves are coming up in the near future, so my cycle starts all over again, exactly like the salmon that soon will run the rivers here in Denmark and a little later Icleand.
July 2013
I know it's been a while since I updated the blog here. I just had to calm down a little not to write things in the ”wrong” way....
My question is this time: “Why does everyone want to fish last years fish?”
Yes, last year was a bad season in most rivers in Iceland, but the years before have been great, and even 2010 was a record year, especially for bigger fish! But just because of ONE bad year, everyone runs backwards??? Leaving the rivers they have been fishing for years? You have to tell me; do you ONLY go for numbers? Or does the quality of the time spent fishing count as well? Because if you sincerely love fishing, then a bad year is a part of the game.... It is NATURE we are dealing with, not something that we can change or manipulate to suit us!!! Well, yes we can affect it, by fishing catch and release, that way we can actually increase our chances of better years in the future.
It seems to me though, that a lot of fishermen wants GREAT fishing EVERY time they go fishing, and at the same time, EVERYTHING needs to be killed? Look at it. It doesn't add up in the end... We simply need to be better at protecting our last reserve of a wild spices of an amazing fish, the atlantic salmon.
30-40 years ago we didn't know any better than killing as many as we could, but today we know more... We even have SUPERMARKETS where we can buy food so we CAN survive without killing a great number of fish! I'm not saying you should buy salmon in the supermarket, since farmed salmon might even be a bigger threat to the wild fish population than fishermen.
This year Laxa in Adaldal, or better known as the ”Big Laxa” has been pretty much abandoned by the fishermen that ”loved” it in the years where there were plenty of fish. But due to ONE single bad year, most people left, and look what happened this year it's back to all it used to be... and not only are the numbers of fish back, also the size is very good!!! I doubt that anyone will learn from this experience though, but salmon fishing is a ”game” you buy your chance of catching a fish, you don't buy a fish!!!!!!!! If that was the case we should rename our sport to CATCHING and not fishing.
Enough about this, even though I could go on and on. But I hope you all got the message? We fish because we like our sport/hobby, we don't need the food aspect of it anymore! Otherwise the spring has brought a change on the professional side of things. After a couple of good years with Guideline which I have been very happy about, and gotten to know a bunch of great people, it was time to change, and given the offer of coming back ”home” to the company where I have been connected for the last 20 years or so, it is a great pleasure to announce the fact that I now, and again, wear the Loop shirt.
They have given me a great opportunity professionally, and of course a challenge, to blend into the US market with various product lines. Something I'm really looking forward to. The adventure continues... Klaus Frimor
Until then
The adventure continues.....
Klaus Frimor
Autumn 2012
After a roller coaster of a summer in many ways, the season in Iceland ended for my part mid September. Or should I say, it ended for many people..... but for me it meant a start of a new season somewhere else! Saying goodbye to people always means saying “Hi” to new friends somewhere else, for me that was be back in Idaho, where a new season of “steelheading” just ended.
Iceland suffered a serious lack of salmon runs this year, some rivers were down by 50% or more compared to last year, BUT we all have to remember, that the last two seasons catches, has been way over the average, so a “down turn” would have to come sooner or later!
Lots of excuses has been made up, commercial mackerel-fishing in the ocean is one. Low water and high temperatures another... And yes it was a spectacular warm and dry summer in Iceland, but we simply just don't know enough about the salmon yet!!!! But guessing is always nice, specially when one guess is as good as the other.
We can just add up the numbers and see that some rivers has done fine (not great, but around or above average) Selá and Hofsá in Vopnafjodur have been doing fine, same has Haffjadará in the west. Leaving the ”Rock” is always sad though. It's like the summer just flew by, arrived there in end of May after magnificent 36 hours lay over in my home in Denmark Heading back for whole 10 days, in mid September, to see friends and family, before stepping on another flight towards new adventures. And to all of you who I met for the first time, and all my old friends who'd seen me “burned out” after a month of casting clinics etc or spent time with while I was still on the “peak””, I wish to say thanx for another great year.
But as I said, I just ended a new adventure. Recently returned from a ”steelheaders home” in Orofino Idaho, after a couple of months “swinging” flies in one of the most beautiful rivers I ever fished. It seems like the run of fish were down all over the world, Kenia system in Alaska closed for all chinook salmon fishing earlier, the Colombia river system were missing app 100.000 Steelheads, but that's life and we simply don't know why, we can only fish hard and hope the odds are with us! Steelheading is a tough sport, it's not without reason it's called ”the fish of a thousand cast” but as a great friend of mine described it: “steelhead fishing is all about fishing great water well, and when you've done that you'll go to the next piece of great water and the next piece and the next...”. It simply can't be said any better. But when you do catch one, it's like all these endless hours of casting - swinging, casting - swinging, are forgotten in a blink of an eye. Never have I experienced fish that take harder than these, or fight as intense, one have to try it before believing, and believing is exactly what a “steelheader” need to, even though he might loose faith, one just have to make that next cast, because at some point, that magic pull will happen......
Finally back home in Denmark for X-mas, putting the last hand on next years selection of fly lines and rods from Guideline, but also relaxing a little after more than 7 months “on the road”. Deer season is still on, so the rifle is the preferred tool in my hand as we speak, not at least because the winter has taken a solid grab in my part of the country, but soon, very soon there will be new destinations to explore, hopefully in a much warmer climate. The adventure continues..... Klaus Frimor
Until then
The adventure continues.....
Klaus Frimor
May 2012
Well it's been a while...... A lot of things has happened since August last year, some good some bad, but guess that's what they call life, right? ”Time to move on” as some say, and it sure is and has been. Not only from a professional point of view, but also a more personal side.
I'm so lucky that through my work, I've met some wonderful people with whom I've become close friends, and given me the opportunity to ”escape” the real world, and go into what my friends call ”cave-man mode” Hunting....... When working with fishing or fishing related projects, I suppose your hobby becomes work, and you need to relax in doing something else, and for me that's deer-stalking.
When out stalking deer, you're back in the days of the cave-man, despite you have a rifle and not only a bow and arrow, one still need to focus on things most people wouldn't think about in their busy ”city-life”
Which direction is the wind?
Where will the deer be sheltered from wind in a cold morning?
Where does the first sun hit the ground to heat them up?
How do you then get there, without being seen, heard or your scent blown there by the wind?
How does the wind change around woods or hills?
Hmmmmm, I'll bet you, you don't think about that hurrying of to work????
Did you know that blackbirds have different ”alarm-calls” to warm others, whether it's a fox or a bird of prey???
Nhaaa didn't think you would....
Can you hear the difference between a buck or a doe, if they ”bark” at you????
Nhaaa didn't think so either....
But when it happens, and you get close enough to a buck for a safe shot, first you need to decide if it's one to be shot, or one that ain't ready to be shot yet. Then, when you made the decision to shoot..... a watch becomes the most indifferent thing in the world, time is not moving! There's only 3 things existing in this moment, you – the buck and the fact you need a backdrop for a safe shot!!!!
Breath in - breath out.....aim.... pull the trigger..... and you have killed a deer!!!
What a wonderful feeling, to be a ”cave man” in a rushing world that is pushing you away from being a (hu)MAN!!!!
Otherwise the autumn and spring has offered a lot of great moments around the world with casting shows, Germany, Ireland, Sweden, San Francisco, London and Oregon..... entertaining people, and hopefully passing on a few things that will improve their own fly-fishing.
I'm truly honored to be invited to shows as a presenter/demonstrator, along with icons I used to read about when I was just a “kid”.
Besides the shows I've worked on a series of new fly rods and fly lines over the last year, and what a great feeling to watch people SMILE when they try one of your creations. Simply because, everything suddenly became so easy....
So after a crazy busy spring, traveling all over the place, I'm now back in Iceland for the summer. Great to see old friends again, and not at least looking forward for the upcoming salmon season...
Until then
The adventure continues.....
Klaus Frimor
August the 24th. 2011
Sitting in Reykjavik before my last ”gig” starring out in a dark night , funny how fast things change..... When I arrived in May it was daylight 24/7, now autumn is upon us. I should be looking forward to go “home”, but things do change fast….. little over a week ago I was ready to leave, but hey, why not extend the stay a little longer? You only live once, right?
The salmon season has gone well, maybe we didn’t reach the same record year as 2010, but compared to the average it’ll turn out pretty good at the end. We had a decent water-flow through most of the season, despite longer periods without rain (read. West coast), due lots of snow, that fed the rivers until mid August for most rivers.
Laxa in Adaldal or the Big Laxa, had, again this year, a significant increase in the number of big fish, a remarkably coincidence with the introduction of catch and release just a few years ago.” Luck” some may say, but I still believe in “benefit of the doubt” and let’s continue this idea in more and more rivers all over the world, just a small wish if I may. Being able to release a big fish is simply a wonderful experience, feeling it getting it’s strength back, and slowly swim out of your hand back into the depths from where it rose to your fly… nothing beats that feeling, and I don’t remember anyone saying it better than Lee Wulff in this quote:
"The finest gift you can give to any fisherman is to put a good fish back, and who knows if the fish that you caught isn't someone else's gift to you?"
2011 season, has been a wonderful reunion with old friends, friends I met back in South America, and suddenly they pop up on a river bank in the middle of the nort atlantic, this world is truly small, but also new people with whom I shared wonderful times, laughs and thrilling moments with fish, thanx to you all.
Life goes on, and casting-shows and new adventures awaits in the near future, from Germany to Amerika with a stop over in Sweden, but something draws me back to this island in the middle of nowhere..........
The adventure continues!
Klaus Frimor
A new season is upon us. June 2011
The 5th of June was the starting day of a new salmon-season in Iceland, while the Norwegian rivers started out with a fairly low water flow for the season, the prospects for the Icelandic rivers looks great.
A lot of snow still in the mountains, due to a very cold spring (read. NO spring at all) will help to secure a steady water flow, at least into July, where we'd seen a dramatic drop in water levels in the west-coast rivers the last years.
So hopefully the salmon runs will be as big as last year, it's always exiting to see what'll happen. We don't know much about the salmon when they leave their home river as a smolt, where do they grow up? Was there plenty of food for them over the winter? Who knows? Only time will tell....
But as for now the season has started, and the first fish has been caught already, I just have one wish for this season: That more of the 2 sea winter fish (fish over 70-75cm) will be released again...... It's VERY important for the stock of salmon in the rivers, that there is a wide range of sizes spawning, to spread the genetically material.
At the same time it's well known, that a very large part of these fish are females, so that makes them even more valuable for the future stock of these amazing rivers of Iceland.........
For now I'm stuck in Reykjavik doing casting clinics and casting shows, teaching people to use their fly rods and lines in the best possible way, not an easy job, when it's been howling gails and temperatures up to the magnificent 5C (40F), but I'm trying the best I can, and luckily we've made progress......
Flies are tied for the season, lines are ready, reels nursed and polished and waders checked for leaking holes.......
In the middle of all this, a volcanic eruption threatened to stop all air-traffic in Europe, just like last year..... but this time it was a short, but still explosive, eruption, that just very shortly closed a few airports, but the ash-cloud reached all the way to Reykjavik, as a brown solid wall, it came rolling over the mountains surrounding town....
But spring is arriving, soon I'll go to the river myself and also fish on my own.......... life is great!
The adventure continues
US-Steelheading 2010
After leaving Iceland end of August, I managed to spend whole 12 days back “home” in Denmark, sleeping for a few days, since guiding 12 hours a day the whole summer, leaves you with a serious lack of sleep.
Managed to say hi to friends and family as promised earlier, before stepping on the next plane, leaving for Idaho USA, in the search of steelheads.
Steelhead is a migrating rainbow trout, just like the “sea-trout” or “searun browntrout” known to Europe and South America. The amazing part about the spices entering the rivers in Idaho and Washington (state) is that they've traveled hundreds and hundreds of miles up the Columbia River system, passing numbers of dams, passing passages been counted every single time, and registered online for everyone to follow on the internet........ it's a brand new world being a steelhead nowadays......... but nice being an angler in search of 'em....
Arriving to Idaho, I was invited to fish the legendary Deshutes river in Oregon, a tributary to the Columbia river but closer to the sea than any of the rivers I originally was planning on fishing.
Not even landed and got my tackle and gear ready, I got what we call “Roope'd”, this time I was tricked into wet-wading, which means wading without any waders, just “long-johns” and wading boots....... Kind of cold when water-temperatures reached the magnificent 10C (50F) and you had to jump out of a drift boat into water reaching your chest, 0600 in the morning when air temperatures hadn't exceeded the water temperatures yet.... But I guess it was worth freezing my b... of for a couple of steelheads.
Later on the fish slowly moved into the Clearwater, which runs into the Snake river on the border between Washington and Idaho, and then later dumps into the Columbia river, a long long trip for these fish, just to register the water was a little to hot for them, due to a really hot September month in Idaho. A lot of them waited in the confluence with the Snake river, but a few ran up every day. It's funny saying a “few” here in these rivers, while the number of fish the passes the over the last dam before entering the Clearwater, is around 4500 fish pr/day over a period months..... 2009 the total number of fish was close to 300.000 steelheads, so a few fish is probably not the right words to use. On top of the steelheads there's also a large run of chinooks (king salmon) and several other spices of fish in the system.
Normally when you a hear about steelhead fishing it's from British Columbia or Alaska, in freezing your behind of temperatures, line's stuck in the rings on your fly rod, hands and fingers about to fall of and wrapped up like a “fur-ball” just to stay warm. Here in Idaho you're talking about fishing in 25-35C air temperatures but since the water is “tail water” (out of a dam) the water temperatures will normally stay in the 10-15C range which is fine. Later in the year, October/November temperatures will drop, but stay around the 10C, so not bad at all.
It was a pretty tough start for me in the Clearwater, remember I'm an atlantic-salmon guy, so trying to figure out the behavior of the steelhead, was a challenge. They'll place themselves in different depth and waterspeed than the salmons I know. At the same time the Clearwater is not what you'd call a small river, running low it's around 3000cfs or 100m3/sek, but the length is around 70 miles (115km) so plenty of “play-ground”.
After a few trips we did start to figure it out, and between the group of adventurous guys I fished with, we landed fish up to the 20lbs mark, personally best fish was around 14 lbs but (of course) bigger fish lost.......
I'm still here in Idaho, and will be for a bit,
The adventure continues.......
Klaus Frimor
Iceland – Autumn 2010
Season is now for my part over, sitting in the airport at Keflavik as I write this, the date is the 31st. Of August. In many ways it should be over for the salmon as well, they're pairing up at the moment, getting ready for spawning. Some rivers still have fresh runs of silver fish, but in most rivers the fish are getting colored and for the cock-fish developing the “kype” that's so characteristic for the atlantic salmon (the hen-fish doesn't change nearly as much as the cock-fish, only color) Well, I've had the best part of the season, and it's free to chose when you “back out”, and for me that's about this time of year. Even though there's something spectacular about catching these wonders, that not only has traveled hundreds if not thousands of miles in to the sea and back to that same river they came from, but also how they change color and body shape. There's something beautiful but at the same time scary over a good sized cock-fish in it's “autumn outfit”.
The West-coast did well in late June and beginning of July, before the drought hit that part of the island, leaving the river-beds almost exposed and the fish not particularly interested in our flies, mainly because of water temperatures way over their normal well-being. But before the rain disappeared I remember 3 days with 310 fish for 12 rods, not bad, not bad at all..... and in Langá, even after the water dropped, we still had over a 100 fish for 6 days on 8 rods. Might not sound much, but under these conditions sizes of flies is reaching such a ridiculous size, that even a trout fisherman would reconsider his choice before trying to find the loop at the end of the hook..... Lot's of lost fish follows fishing small flies, but it's all part of the game, luckily the fish very seldom takes any notice of being hooked before, and a lot of fish will take again, as high as up to 50% will take a fly more than once, if released that is...... another good reason to think before you knock 'em on the head.
East/north coast, is always where I end the season, a spectacular year for “the big Laxa” Laxa in Adaldalur, when I left the total catch on the “Nes-beat” exceeded 500 fish where of app 10% reached a length of 100 cm or more, which is eqv to 10 kg's or more, up to 13 maybe 14 kg's (10kg = 22 lbs)Temperatures were opposite there from middle of August, cold cold cold wind, and icy-rain kicked in, especially on the Hofsá in Vopnafjodur, on the far north-east coast. Resulted in high waters but fresh run fish, but people normally say fishing is a recreational sport, to me this seemed more like hard work and self-tormenting behavior.....afterwords fun, but when on the river bank blinded by horizontal rain, 4-5C howling-gale upstream....... Not as fun..... and if any of your gear isn't up to date, that's when you'll find out. A leaking jacket or waders, how waterproof is your woolen hat etc...
Looking back on the season 2010 has been a great season, not just from a fishing point of view, but the runs of salmon has been good in nearly all rivers, but maybe even more important, the avg size is a lot higher than normal years. A lot of 2 sea winter fish in the rivers spawning this autumn, and larger fish produces larger eggs and dig better gravel-reds than smaller fish, so a higher survival rate of the smolts when hatching, you could say they have a larger “lunch-box” with 'em from their beginning as fry.
Now my season moves on to the other side of the Atlantic, fishing for Steelheads, originally a rainbow-trout but now sea-run, and therefor grows quite a big bigger, almost exactly like the Atlantic salmon, just in the Pacific...... runs are coming in I've heard, so it's home to pack a new bag - shake hands with family and friends before I again step on another plane in search of the elusive......
The adventure continues.......
Klaus Frimor
Since the age of 5, fishing has been dominating his life
Since the age of 5, fishing has been dominating his life. Grew up in the western part of Jutland Denmark, where in the beginning smaller lakes and stream were the target for his adventures. Later on Sweden and Norway soon became interesting, and fly-fishing for trout salmon and pike was the main interest.
At the age of 19 he volunteered to join the army, with a wish of a Nato airbase in Jutland, since the best seatrout river ran through the air-base. After finishing his service he took the step into the tackle-business working for the largest flyfishing retailer in Denmark until 1998. During the 5 years he was employed in the shop, he created a base for his future career. He met the legendary fly-caster Göran Andersson from Sweden, who took him “under his wings”, and taught him the foundation which would leave him to even larger adventures.
About 10 years ago Klaus had the opportunity to travel to Iceland, a country he immediately fell in love with, and when offered a guide job, it didn't take him long to answer the only logical answer to that question, YES. As everyone knows, one door often open another, and the following winter he was guiding in South America where he a few years later became the lodge manager and host.
Spending hundreds of days on the river, either fishing or guiding, led to a job developing rods and lines for the tackle-company he had been involved with since his start in the tackle-business.
Demonstrating fly-casting at shows all over the world is today a large part of his life, but also a sought after instructor for casting-clinics and guide services.
From sleeping under plastic bags, or when “luxury” accommodation was available, steel plates, on a Norwegian river bank, to exploring rivers and lakes in South America. Klaus was probably the first foreigner to fly-fish Lago Strobel (also known as Jurassic-lake) in Argentina, catching king salmon on a flyrod in Rio Serrano in Chile or Rio Catarina in Argentina, places few people had heard of, even less fished. New targets has shown up in his life, not only does tropical saltwater fishing for Tarpon light a spark in his mind, but the North American Steelhead is the future adventure, both business and recreational wise.