Shop of the Year
On February 20th 2014, JS Watch Company Reykjavik won the prestigious ‘Shop of the Year’ award (Njarðarskjöldurinn), which is a token of recognition and encouragement granted annually to stores and shop owners in Iceland for their innovation and great service.
On February 20th 2014, JS Watch Company Reykjavik won the prestigious ‘Shop of the Year’ award (Njarðarskjöldurinn), which is a token of recognition and encouragement granted annually to stores and shop owners in Iceland for their innovation and great service.
Granted by the City of Reykjavík, the City Centre Alliance, the Association of Merchants, the Federation of Icelandic Trade, Federation of Trade and Services, Global Blue Iceland and TaxFree Worldwide Iceland, the Awards ‘Shop of the Year’ (Njarðarskjöldurinn).
Recipients of the Reykjavík Shop of the Year Awards are primarily rewarded for innovation and success. Marketing and communications merits are also evaluated, together with service, opening hours, tax refund, signage, lighting, accessibility, language proficiency and product knowledge.
"JS Watch co. Reykjavik has developed a commendable reputation for exceptional service and product knowledge, where customers have the opportunity to not only to see the watchmaking process in action, but also receive a certain amount of creative license in the design of any watch they intend to purchase. With its innovative marketing and promotion campaigns, JS Watch co. Reykjavik has attracted significant attention on social media, both at home and abroad. Its reputation for quality and excellence has also attracted a fair amount of interest amongst international celebrities such as Jude Law, Tom Cruise, Dalai Lama, Viggo Mortensen and Yoko Ono, to name just few."